A football team you can fully own.

Satoshi Soccermoto
2 min readFeb 10, 2022

If you are a fan of equity crowdfunding, you may know of recent examples where sports teams have raised money by offering partial ownership of teams. A couple of examples include The Minnesota women’s soccer team and the Fan Owned Club.


While these are significant initiatives to empower the community to own the team, I question the total percentage allowed to be owned by fans. Is it greater than or equal to 51% commonly found in the Bundesliga?

If not, do the fans control and own the team, or is it a hoax to raise money and support. I don’t say this in a derogatory fashion, but more so to question why not let the fans own the whole team or a 51% majority.

It can never be done. No one would be crazy enough to do that. Well, sports are heading that way and they are using new forms of governance, such as Decentralized Autonomous Organizations or DAOs. The people are organizing, and those organizations could change the way sports teams operate. According to the DAOnver Broncos Twitter site, they “….are making a bid to purchase and operate the Denver Broncos as a DAO.” while ambitious, if successful, Denver could truly 100% own their sports teams. My guess the fans, no, the owners, will be highly motivated for them to succeed. Maybe as much as the Green Bay Packers.


Photo by Dave Adamson on Unsplash

This was my second example of a sports team that aims to shift power. Let’s see where this goes.

The article is for informational purposes only. Nothing in this article constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer of a security or token or a Decentralized Autonomous Organization. The article is for informational purposes only.

-Satoshi Soccermoto-

I am a writer that takes on the pseudonym Satoshi Soccermoto. I am on a quest to turn 100 followers to 100 potential sports owners and shift the power. Please follow my quest for answers and knowledge here on medium or at Twitter @ SatoshiSocrmoto



Satoshi Soccermoto

I am a writer that takes on the pseudonym Satoshi Soccermoto. I took the red pill, and am trying to change the world of sports.