American Sports…2/?

Satoshi Soccermoto
1 min readFeb 4, 2022
  1. Your teams are not owned by 51% of fans (with few exceptions).
  2. Your leagues are not owned by 51% of fans.
  3. You do not give fans the power to structure the league how they see fit and operate in a “closed system”.
  4. You are owned by the wealthy few who have begun to conglomerate sports teams together.
  5. The wealthy few determine the price to admission, not the fan.
  6. The wealthy few reap the benefits of the rewards, not the fans.

A teenager once said “If solutions within this system are so difficult to find then maybe we should change the system itself” — Greta Thunberg

Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

-Satoshi Soccermoto-

I am a writer that takes on the pseudonym Satoshi Soccermoto. I am on a quest to turn 100 followers to 100 potential sports owners and shift the power. Please follow my quest for answers and knowledge here on medium or at twitter @ SatoshiSocrmoto



Satoshi Soccermoto

I am a writer that takes on the pseudonym Satoshi Soccermoto. I took the red pill, and am trying to change the world of sports.