Red Pill or Blue Pill America?

Satoshi Soccermoto
2 min readFeb 8, 2022
Photo by ANIRUDH on Unsplash

My pseudonym is Satoshi Soccermoto and I want to change the sports world forever.

In the movie The Matrix, Morpheus explains to NEO that the world he is living in is a prison, that he was born into bondage, something has been pulled over his eyes and blinds him from the truth that he can not smell, taste, or touch.

Sports today the NFL, NBA, Major league Soccer is a prison. It is not the people who own sports teams but the wealthy few. It is not the people who own and set the rules for the leagues but the wealthy few. It is not the people who decide their price of admission but the wealthy few.

The problem: There is no incentive to change the sports system today because the wealthy few do not want to see a loss in their investments. We have been taught to buy the entertainment, but never had the choice to own it until today. The only way to change the system and structure of sports is by changing ownership.

While many may think this is a new idea, too ambitious, or could never be done, in fact, it is not. In the Bundesliga, Germany’s premier soccer league, a majority of teams are owned by 51% of the fans. In fact, it has been written into the league laws. 51% of teams must be owned by the fans with few exceptions. The system has run like this for decades, a system where the fans, not the wealthy few decide their sports.

So…you take the blue pill the story ends, believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill you stay in wonderland have the possibility to change American sports forever and see how far DAOwn the rabbit hole goes.

-Satoshi Soccermoto-

I am a writer that takes on the pseudonym Satoshi Soccermoto. I am on a quest to turn 100 followers to 100 potential sports owners and shift the power. Please follow my quest for answers and knowledge here on medium or at twitter @ SatoshiSocrmoto



Satoshi Soccermoto

I am a writer that takes on the pseudonym Satoshi Soccermoto. I took the red pill, and am trying to change the world of sports.